Pro's Corner

Tutorials Index

10 articles

There are several cases that may require deviating from a trajectory planned in the flight plan.

 1822 6

The A320 has different exterior lighting. All of these lights are controlled by the EXT LT panel on the top panel.

 4591 25

This switch is common to all versions of the 320 existing on FS and its use is therefore identical whatever the version chosen.

 3680 22

Full description of the flight plan and procedures for landing in the A320 at Paro (Bhutan), reputed to be the most difficult airport in the world.

 6881 126

The go-around is a so-called normal procedure even if, in fact, remains quite rare. It is part of the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).

 6922 207

The departure and arrival procedures are codified in the AIRACs and provided in the Navdatas.

 3759 222

Tutorial about TCAS on the Airbus A32NX.

 8577 331

In the tutorial on adjusting the rudder pedals, it is about a joystick to steer an Airbus on the ground.

 4062 174

Following the article on the ILS and the A320, here is some additional information from the PFD and ND screens of the A320 (A32NX mod) of FS2020.

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Very complete tutorial written by a professional pilot (TSU) talking about ILS approaches with the Airbus A320.

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