Rouen (LFOP)

Rouen Vallée de Seine airport, formerly Rouen Boos airport, is the airport of the Rouen Normandy metropolis, prefecture of the Normandy region.
It is the property of a mixed syndicate, the Joint Management Syndicate of Rouen Val de Seine Airport (SMGARVS), of which the metropolis, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Rouen and Matmut are members. It is located in the town of Boos, located 9 km east of Rouen.
Rouen is the third Norman airport in terms of passengers transported (far behind Caen and Deauville, respectively 1st and 2nd).
IMPORTANT: to display all 3D objects correctly, you must install the following libraries.
UPDATE (04/30/2023) : New version 1.0 available.
_ Building K (ACAPA)
_ Building U (Hangar ULM/Gliders)
_ Glider A/C Building
_ Algeco ULM
_ White, yellow and diedron grass track cones
_ Hard taxiway, ULM
_ Barriers on the ULM/glider side
_ Windsock on the grass side
_ Building in industrial area
_ electrical distribution in industrial zone
_ Some characters
_ Airplane/Glider
_ Some insights
_ Additional mesh
_ Additional trees and brush
Moving the SAMU Agusta to its new location and restoring the RNAV systems.