Saint-Valery (LFOS)

Saint-Valery - Vittefleur aerodrome is a civil airfield, open to public air traffic, located in the municipalities of Saint-Sylvain, Saint-Riquier-ès-Plains and Vittefleur, 6 km southwest of Saint -Valery-en-Caux in Seine-Maritime.
It is used for the practice of leisure and tourism activities (light aviation).
IMPORTANT: to display all 3D objects correctly, you must install the following libraries.
- Windy Things
- EDHK Lights & Objects Developers Pack (Asset-Pack)
- totof library object V5
- totof- aircraft library v4
- Ethnicfs vehicles library
- Dave's Crooked Library
- - AssetPack
UPDATE (05/07/2024): New version 2 available.
_ New specific house
_ New airport bungalow
_ New kind of cars
_ Added few electric poles
_ Extended surface road
_ Added more road signs
_ Added more fences
_ Added more night lights
_ Added refuel parking
_ Replaced generic windsock
_ Added exclude rectangle