Valence (LFLU)

By Claude Roure (Simvol)
Version 2.2
Date March 31st, 2024
Size 30.9 MB
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In the 1980s, Valence-Chabeuil aerodrome was the thirtieth French airport in terms of passenger traffic.

The scenery shows the south-west civil part, with the flying club, the "pelicandrome," 3 companies (business aviation, flight and transport by helicopter, training of private or professional pilots) and the ALAT military helicopter experimentation base (GAMSTAT, pictured on stage).

In the north-east: ULM and gliding. A 2260 m asphalt runway with PAPI and 2 grass runways.


IMPORTANT: to display all 3D objects correctly, you must install the following libraries.


UPDATE (03/31/2024): New version 2.2 available. Fixed 180° windsock issue.

UPDATE (03/30/2024): New version 2.1 available. Bug with windsocks fixed.

UPDATE (03/29/2024): New version 2 available. Compatibility with Sim Update 14.