Bush trip : French Polynesia

Par Pacha35 (Simvol), TSU (Simvol) and BuffyGC (BushTrip Injector)


No one doubts that the French Polynesian islands are among the most beautiful islands in the world. Thanks to the simulator, you can, at a low cost, fly over some of them and land on their beautiful airports: it is superbly well represented in FS2020.

This bushtrip invites you to leave from the main island TAHITI (capital Papeete, Faaa airport –NTAA) and return there via 6 other islands including, of course, the sacred island RAIATEA and, the pearl of the Leeward Islands, BORA BORA (image below).

The mission parameters are:
- Cessna 172SP aircraft equipped with the Garmin G1000 GPS (generic),
- each stage begins with the aircraft started at the start of the runway (unless the stages are chained),
- the mission is validated when the parking brake is applied,
- the fuel is automatically refueled at the start of each stage,
- the weather is "a few clouds" but can be modified,
- the "multiplayer" option is validated,
- the flight plan is automatically loaded into the aircraft's GPS.
- the proposed altitude is 2000 ft.

Concerning each island, a description is provided at each departure of the stage.
Note: These descriptions were made in AI with the software "Le Chat" from the French company Mistral.

Sea crossings for VFR flights without GPS, require you to keep the proposed headings and to be very attentive to your altitude, the height markers are not easy in calm seas and 2000 ft, it is not high.

The flight plan takes you from airport to airport but the beauty of the islands will only be appreciated if you go around them before landing. Do not neglect this additional flight.

You can stick with the generic scenes and airports or download the airports offered below, which you won't regret:
- NTAA :
- NTTB :
- NTTR :
- NTTH :
- NTTE :
- NTTU :
- NTTP :

Special case: paying airport
- NTTM : (purchase on SimMarket)
otherwise this free scenery :

Note that some airports are worth a little drone ride inside (NTTH below). Appreciating the work of the scene authors is also part of the trip.

A FS2024 version is also available. The FS2020 version is bilingual (French and English).

Note: a bushtrip is made to discover landscapes, hence the importance of making them as realistic as possible with the proposed addons.

French Polynesia (FS2020)
Version 1.0
Date March 11th, 2025
Size 14.3 MB
Downloads 20
All files on Simvol are free but you can make a donation to support us.
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French Polynesia (FS2024)
Version 1.0
Date March 11th, 2025
Size 4.37 MB
Downloads 20
All files on Simvol are free but you can make a donation to support us.
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